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Holiday Travel Safety Tips

Our favorite time of year is here. We know. We know. We’ve said that already but we truly mean it! This time of year can be magical with family, friends, and loved ones. However, you want to keep it that way by practicing safe travel when you’re away from home. Here are some of our holiday safety travel tips.

  1. Prep your car: Make sure your car is winter-ready. Refer to our last article on how to do this.

  2. Do some research: Look up the location that you’re visiting. Being familiar with an area can help you better navigate a new place.

  3. Be careful with free wifi: Hackers can easily steal your information when using free wifi in public spaces. If you’re staying in the country and don’t need wifi to communicate, just use your cellular data to keep your information safe.

  4. Keep family updated: Let people know where you are and what your plans are for that day. Making sure someone knows where you are can help ensure your safety if something happens.

  5. Don’t stand out: Try not to look like a tourist, especially in bigger cities. This can make you a target for theft and other crimes.

  6. Keep items in the hotel safe: If you’re staying in a hotel, keep important items in the safe, such as passports or large sums of cash.

  7. Posting on social media: Do not post anything on social media while you are at a particular location. Wait until you have left that area to share with the world. This can help keep strangers from knowing where you are when you are there.

Holiday travel can tend to be a bit stressful in terms of getting the family all gathered up and packed to go. Let us help your trip safer with these tips so that you can truly enjoy the time spent with loved ones! Happy Holiday Season!