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How Insurance Helps Protect Your Assets

Our assets are exposed to risks every day. Our homes, our cars, jewelery, and even our lives. Insurance helps protect your personal assets from costly damages in the event of unforseen circumstances. Having a risk management plan for your personal assets as well as business, if you own one is crucial for your peace of mind and financial stability. Without one you could very well end up in a sticky financial situation that may even put you into further debt. Here’s how it works. Policyholders transfer the risk of financial losses to an insurance company in exchange for the payment of a premium. Some example of asset protection through insurance are:

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Pet Insurance 101

It’s important to consider pet insurance when your pet is still young and healthy. Large vet bills can pile up and not just when your animals get old and emergencies can happen at any turn even with young pets. Do you have enough savings to cover a potentially expensive vet bill? It can give you peace of mind but don’t wait until they’re old and having health issues. It’s also not a good idea if you have the money to cover their vet bills and want to take the financial risk. So, after you consider these factors how do you know which pet insurance plan is the best for you and your animal? Here is a list of the different coverage options.

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Life Insurance Terms to Know

Life insurance can seem mysterious to a lot of people. How does it work? What do these strange terms mean? While we’re not going to write an extensive article on exactly what each policy type is and what every term definition is, we will give you a quick top terms to understand. Here are a few:

  1. Beneficiary: the recipient of a life insurance policy’s death benefit. Can be one person or several. It can also be an organization. Usually the main reason people buy coverage is to cover family when they’re gone. The beneficiary must file a claim in order to receive the benefit.

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