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Protecting Your Valuables with a Home Safe

As we all know, it’s essential to have homeowner’s insurance to protect our families’ valuables. Every year nearly half a million Americans lose their valuables in a home fire and a home burglary the average amount of valuables taken is around $2,661. These are just some numbers to think about. This is why having a good home safe for your most important valuables is necessary. Nowadays there are so many different types of safes out there but the reasons for them are all the same. Some reasons you may want to invest in a home safe are:

  1. Protection from burglaries

  2. Protect your valuables from home disasters such as fires and flooding

  3. A safe place for firearms and emergency equipment

  4. Somewhere to keep your important documents

Many safes now are fireproof, waterproof, and can be easily concealed if that’s something you desire. This can be important if the safe holds important documents and jewelry. Having a safe place for these things can give you peace of mind when you go away for vacation so you can truly relax on your time away. Many of these safes can be heavily bolted to the floor so they cannot be taken as well. Home safes should be considered part of your home’s security system. Homeowners should add these to their wish list and invest in one.