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Posts tagged insurance tips
Spring Cleaning Your Insurance Policies

When we typically think of spring cleaning, we think of our homes and our cars. But, what about your insurance policies? This is a great time to reassess your insurance policies and take a look at whether or not you’re under or even perhaps over-covered. Here are a few things to take a look at when “spring cleaning” your insurance policies.

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How to Choose Quality Pet Food

You go to the store to buy some food for your dog. You get there and realize there are so many options. You’re not sure how to choose the one that’s best for your pet. We get it. It can be confusing. Keeping your pet as healthy as possible to avoid vet visits is the goal for all of us. Choosing a good pet food contributes to the overall health of your pet. While we always suggest having an insurance policy for your pet, it’s better to not have any unwanted emergencies pop up. Here are some of our tips on how to choose quality food for your pet to keep them as healthy and fit as possible.

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Home & Auto Deductibles Explained

We get it. Insurance can be confusing but we’re here to help you with that. All these terms thrown around like premium, deductible, etc. can be difficult to understand at times. Especially if you’re going through a claims process that can already be stressful. We want to take some time to break down the term deductible for home and auto insurance in this article. Understanding what these mean and what kind you have before damages occur is important. This will ensure that you are less stressed and more informed during the claims process. First, let’s look at what the term deductible is.

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Flood Risks & Flood Insurance Costs

There are a plethora of flooding risks in the New Jersey area, especially for those of you who live in coastal communities. Having a flood insurance policy on top of your homeowner’s policy is crucial to avoid unwanted out-of-pocket costs for damages from flooding events. With the climate changing all over the world, our natural disaster risks are also changing. Storm events are becoming more frequent and more violent. Here is a list of the most common possible flooding events in our area.

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Whole or Term Life Insurance?

Most people aren’t fully aware of the benefits of life insurance and how it’s more to protect your loved ones from having to pay out of pocket for expenses in the event of your death. Life insurance can seem complicated and there are a lot of options to go over. Here we will only discuss the differences between whole and term life insurance policies. Let’s look at whole life insurance first.

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Insurance Resolutions for the New Year

It’s that time of year again when everyone begins to asses the year behind them and set goals for the new one ahead. Looking to the past, here are a couple of questions to ask yourself. What went well last year and what were those successes? What challenges did you face and what did you learn from them? What do I want to continue to do this year? What do I want to stop doing this year that no longer serves me? These answers don’t necessarily have to be insurance-related we just want to give you some food for thought for your reflection.

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How Much Weight of Snow Can Your Roof Handle?

One of our carriers mentioned this topic the other day on LinkedIn and it got us thinking. Do our clients understand how much weight their roofs can hold? This will be very important in the winter months if we get heavy snow. Understanding how much weight (snow) your roof can handle can decrease the risk of damages and having to file a homeowner’s insurance claim. While it sounds like it would be a very difficult and mathematical task, don’t stress out yet, because it’s very easy to determine. Ok, so here we go. First, every roof is designed to handle about 20 lbs/square inch. Now, we must understand how to calculate how much snow is on the roof to determine how much weight is on it. The density of snow is important here. However, a rough guess will do. Here are the densities of snow and you can determine which one you think is most likely to be on your roof.

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Protecting Your Valuables with a Home Safe

As we all know, it’s essential to have homeowner’s insurance to protect our families’ valuables. Every year nearly half a million Americans lose their valuables in a home fire and a home burglary the average amount of valuables taken is around $2,661. These are just some numbers to think about. This is why having a good home safe for your most important valuables is necessary. Nowadays there are so many different types of safes out there but the reasons for them are all the same. Some reasons you may want to invest in a home safe are:

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Cooking Fire Safety Tips

The holidays are here and there’s no better place to spend it with family than in the kitchen. We know so many families that get their holiday quality time cooking and baking together in the kitchen, including us! Making memories that last forever with family and friends is one of the best parts of the holiday season. Let’s do our best to keep those memories good ones and avoid any cooking fires. Unfortunately, autumn is when cooking fire claims tend to rise and they are already, “the number one cause of home fires and fire-related injuries in the home,” according to the U.S. Fire Administration. Here are some safety guidelines to follow when cooking to prevent fires.

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Motorcycle Insurance FAQ

You wouldn’t hastily buy a motorcycle, so you must take the same care when purchasing motorcycle insurance for your bike. You want coverage that best fits your needs. Similar to auto insurance, most states require liability insurance on your bike. But, if you want more here is some information to help get you started on your coverage journey.

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Tips for Choosing a New Car if Consider Insurance Rates

Looking for a new car? It’s always fun to shop for a new vehicle when the time comes. However, if you’re keeping your insurance rates in mind there are a few things to consider when purchasing. Here are some tips to help you decide which vehicle is the right one for you and keep your insurance premium down.

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