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Insurance Resolutions for the New Year

It’s that time of year again when everyone begins to asses the year behind them and set goals for the new one ahead. Looking to the past, here are a couple of questions to ask yourself. What went well last year and what were those successes? What challenges did you face and what did you learn from them? What do I want to continue to do this year? What do I want to stop doing this year that no longer serves me? These answers don’t necessarily have to be insurance-related we just want to give you some food for thought for your reflection.

Looking at more insurance-specific topics let’s talk about some resolutions or goals you should set going into 2024. It’s important to stay on top of your insurance policies to avoid any unwanted mistakes or charges. Here are the top things to do in the new year.

  1. Update your online accounts: Make sure to update your username and password along with personal information on these sites. Check to make sure that addresses, phone numbers, and billing information are all correct.

  2. Please take note of your home belongings: Even a video will work here but it’s crucial to know what you own and make a list with their values. This will come in handy should you ever need to file a claim for homeowner’s insurance or jewelry insurance.

  3. Ensure that all your credit cards are in the right places and updated: It happens often. Our old card expires and we forget to update it on our accounts. Then, the next time your account tries to bill you, the payment is denied. Doing this can avoid any late fees or charges due to an easily fixable mistake.

  4. Put all of your valuables into a safe: Place all your jewelry and valuables into a safe that is well hidden, bolted to the floor, and locked.

  5. Check for new discounts: This is where we come in. We shop around for you to find you the best discounts and rates with multiple carriers.

Doing even one of these is a plus! However, taking the time to do all of them can set you up for success with your insurance providers. Happy New Year!