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Posts tagged homeowner's insurance
How Insurance Companies Evaluate Claims
Home & Auto Deductibles Explained

We get it. Insurance can be confusing but we’re here to help you with that. All these terms thrown around like premium, deductible, etc. can be difficult to understand at times. Especially if you’re going through a claims process that can already be stressful. We want to take some time to break down the term deductible for home and auto insurance in this article. Understanding what these mean and what kind you have before damages occur is important. This will ensure that you are less stressed and more informed during the claims process. First, let’s look at what the term deductible is.

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How Much Weight of Snow Can Your Roof Handle?

One of our carriers mentioned this topic the other day on LinkedIn and it got us thinking. Do our clients understand how much weight their roofs can hold? This will be very important in the winter months if we get heavy snow. Understanding how much weight (snow) your roof can handle can decrease the risk of damages and having to file a homeowner’s insurance claim. While it sounds like it would be a very difficult and mathematical task, don’t stress out yet, because it’s very easy to determine. Ok, so here we go. First, every roof is designed to handle about 20 lbs/square inch. Now, we must understand how to calculate how much snow is on the roof to determine how much weight is on it. The density of snow is important here. However, a rough guess will do. Here are the densities of snow and you can determine which one you think is most likely to be on your roof.

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How & Why Insurance Can Vary By State

We all know that when we move we have to let our insurance companies know and see how that will affect our rates. But, have you ever stopped to wonder why this is? Well, we’re going to break it down for you a little here. Let’s first look at homeowner’s insurance policies.

Homeowners: This can vary state by state due to how prone your area is to natural disasters and environmental risks. For example, if you live in Kansas versus New Jersey you will have to get a policy that specifically covers this type of high-risk disaster. Here are some things that will affect how much your homeowner’s coverage costs.

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Cooking Fire Safety Tips

The holidays are here and there’s no better place to spend it with family than in the kitchen. We know so many families that get their holiday quality time cooking and baking together in the kitchen, including us! Making memories that last forever with family and friends is one of the best parts of the holiday season. Let’s do our best to keep those memories good ones and avoid any cooking fires. Unfortunately, autumn is when cooking fire claims tend to rise and they are already, “the number one cause of home fires and fire-related injuries in the home,” according to the U.S. Fire Administration. Here are some safety guidelines to follow when cooking to prevent fires.

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All Treats & NO Tricks This Halloween!

Trick or treat. Smell my… We all know the saying. Halloween can be an enjoyable time for kids and adults alike. It’s a time when we all get to dress up, eat some candy, play some games, etc. but it can also be a time when tricks become an issue for homeowners. Halloween is a time of home vandalism pranks. While most are harmless, some can be damaging to your home. It’s important to have good homeowner’s policies that will cover the costs to repair them. Some common vandalism pranks include:

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Ways That Homeownership Increases Wealth

The American dream is different for everyone but no matter what it has always involved becoming a homeowner. Homeownership can change your life in more ways than most people realize. Not only will it provide comfort for you and your family in a space that you can make your own, but it can increase your wealth and the wealth of future generations in your family. It may seem like an unattainable dream but we promise you it is not. That’s an article for another day though. For now, here are a couple of ways that buying a home can increase your wealth.

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Home Improvements That Lower Homeowner's Insurance

We came across a really good article today that talked about smart devices that will upgrade your home. Some were to increase security, such as video camera door bells and others were things that monitor your water. This got us thinking that we should write something about home improvements that will increase your home’s value while also lowering your homeowner’s insurance premium. Here are some ways to do just that!

  1. Upgrade Security: installing a security system increase your overall home security. The size of the discount is based on the quality of the system.

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Renting or Buying... Which is better?

The big question of whether renting or buying is better has been at the forefront of everyone’s mind these past few years. There is no easy answer. It depends on your personal goals. Rent and mortgage interest rates have been climbing since the pandemic so there are some considerations and questions you need to ask yourself to determine which on is right for you. There are three things to consider when considering and those are financial, lifestyle and personal goals.

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Tips to Prepare for a Winter Storm

While we’ve had a mild winter here on the east coast this year, we’re not out of the woods yet until after Easter. Knock on wood! Don’t want to jinx us but it’s always better to be prepared in case of that last minute winter storm that comes out of nowhere. Here are some of our tips:

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Tips for Filing an Insurance Claim

No one wants to have to file an insurance claim, but let’s be honest, unforeseen events happen. One way or another, chances are that you’ll have to file a claim at least once in your lifetime. Here are some of our quick tips for filing a homeowner’s insurance claim most efficiently.

1.     File claim immediately: the sooner you file, the sooner your insurance company can fix the damage and put money in your pocket right away to cover the cost of repairs needed

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