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Home Improvements That Lower Homeowner's Insurance

We came across a really good article today that talked about smart devices that will upgrade your home. Some were to increase security, such as video camera door bells and others were things that monitor your water. This got us thinking that we should write something about home improvements that will increase your home’s value while also lowering your homeowner’s insurance premium. Here are some ways to do just that!

  1. Upgrade Security: installing a security system increase your overall home security. The size of the discount is based on the quality of the system.

  2. Replace Your Roof: this one can really make a dent in your premium and lower it drastically depending on the condition of your current one.

  3. Upgrade Home Systems: this includes, but isn’t limited to, HVAC, plumbing and electrical

  4. Smart Tech: as we said above, smart devices can really elevate your home. For example, smart water technology can save you on your water bill through monitoring, but can also prevent home damages through leak detection. Video door bells make the home safer. There are other types of smart tech to include here but we wanted to just leave a few examples.

Make sure to let your agent know if you do any home improvements that will affect your policy. There are some that will actually increase your premiums, such as installing a pool or building extensions so it’s important to check with your provider first.