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Posts tagged filing an insurance claim
The Insurance Claims Process

Now that you understand how insurance can help protect your assets and how to file a claim, what are the steps involved if something does go wrong? How do these insurance claims work? Each type of insurance will have a slightly different process but there are several similarities across the board. In a nutshell, you’re filing the claim to get compensation to cover the losses involved. It’s important to note here that if you haven’t met your deductible throughout the year, you will be required to pay that first. It’s crucial to know what your deductible is as you want to make sure that damages are over that number.

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Tips for Filing an Insurance Claim

No one wants to have to file an insurance claim, but let’s be honest, unforeseen events happen. One way or another, chances are that you’ll have to file a claim at least once in your lifetime. Here are some of our quick tips for filing a homeowner’s insurance claim most efficiently.

1.     File claim immediately: the sooner you file, the sooner your insurance company can fix the damage and put money in your pocket right away to cover the cost of repairs needed

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