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Posts tagged small insurance agency
Life Insurance Can Create Generational Wealth

Not only does life insurance protect your loved ones in the unforeseen event of death, it can create generational wealth where there was none. Here are just a few ways that life insurance can help your family for generations to come.

  1. Cover estate taxes

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Tips to Prepare for a Winter Storm

While we’ve had a mild winter here on the east coast this year, we’re not out of the woods yet until after Easter. Knock on wood! Don’t want to jinx us but it’s always better to be prepared in case of that last minute winter storm that comes out of nowhere. Here are some of our tips:

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Why Choose a Small Insurance Agency?

1.     Flexibly: we’re right on top of things and not bogged down with operational nonsense.

2.     Transparency: we’re up front about costs and potential risks

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Questions to Ask Your Insurance Agent

1.     What is my deductible? This will be your out of pocket costs when filing a claim.

2.     What is my premium? Your premium is the amount you will pay for the policy. It’s important to know how much you will owe on a monthly basis.

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Tips for Filing an Insurance Claim

No one wants to have to file an insurance claim, but let’s be honest, unforeseen events happen. One way or another, chances are that you’ll have to file a claim at least once in your lifetime. Here are some of our quick tips for filing a homeowner’s insurance claim most efficiently.

1.     File claim immediately: the sooner you file, the sooner your insurance company can fix the damage and put money in your pocket right away to cover the cost of repairs needed

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