Home Life Auto



Tips to Prepare for a Winter Storm

While we’ve had a mild winter here on the east coast this year, we’re not out of the woods yet until after Easter. Knock on wood! Don’t want to jinx us but it’s always better to be prepared in case of that last minute winter storm that comes out of nowhere. Here are some of our tips:

  1. Weather proof your home

    1. Insulate water lines along exterior

    2. Caulk and weather strip doors

    3. Insulate walls and attic

    4. Install storm doors and windows

    5. Cut away tree branches that could fall on your home

  2. Have chimney inspected each year

  3. Create an emergency kit

  4. Stock up on dry goods: at least 3 days’ worth

  5. Stock up on water

  6. Prep your vehicle

    1. Have emergency kit such as blanket, warm clothes, first aid and boots

  7. Have a snow shovel and ice melting products

  8. Fill prescriptions (have at least one months’ worth) and stock up on hygiene items

  9. Have generator handy in case of power loss

  10. Make an emergency communication plan with family