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Fall Home Preperation Tips

As school is back in session and summer winds down, we must get our homes ready for the winter to come. Here are a few of our tips for getting your home fall-ready.

  1. Clean out gutters: Here comes the rain again… and the snow. Having clear gutters means keeping your home from flooding due to blockage. Clogged gutters can cause wall leaks, paint pealing, wood rot, as well as damage to the gutters. Save yourself money and headaches down the road by staying on top of this.

  2. Check for drafts: Check windows and doors for drafts. If left unchecked, this can account for up to 30% of heat loss during winter months. Weather stripping can keep the heat in your home and money in your pocket.

  3. Trim trees: Worst case scenario, there’s a big storm and the tree branch falls into your home. This can cause serious damages and out-of-pocket expenses if you have to vacate your home before and during repairs. Cut branches back that could potentially fall into your home during a storm before it’s too late.

  4. Check smoke/carbon monoxide detectors: These usually beep when they are running low on juice. However, it’s important to check them anyway to be sure that they are still working properly in each room. Test them and change the batteries at least once per year.

  5. Bring in outdoor furniture: Yes, it’s that time of year when we have to bring all of our outdoor furniture inside to prevent damage. Get the most out of your outdoor furniture. Just because it’s outdoor does not mean it is weatherproof/stormproof. Freeze-thaw effects can warp it. Wind can damage it. Water can rust it.

  6. Change heating filters: Who doesn’t like breathing clean air anyway? Check your air filters. Not only will it be better for your lungs, it will be more energy efficient keeping your home warm. This should be done every couple of months.

This is a good starting place but isn’t an exhaustive list, so make sure to do your homework on winter prep home care. Fall is our favorite time of year so let’s keep it that way by practicing proper home care techniques. Make your life easier in the long run as a homeowner.