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Safety Tips at the School Drop Off

It’s officially that time of year again when the kids return to school. We thought we’d write a little bit about drop-off etiquette that will help you plus everyone around you stay safer. Here are some tips to help make the process of the drop-off more streamlined and keep you away from fender benders in the car.

  1. Arrive a little early: Coming just a few minutes earlier will help avoid any rushing in the line that could potentially cause frustration and even an accident.

  2. Follow the signs: Pay attention to the signs and the flow of the traffic patterns. Ignoring them can make things difficult and confuse others in line, ultimately slowing the process down for all. Don’t be that person.

  3. Use your blinkers: This is a no-brainer whether you are in the school drop-off line or not. You need to use your traffic indicators to let others know your intentions while driving. No one likes a driver who doesn’t use their blinkers.

  4. Keep it moving: Make sure the kids are ready to go when it’s their turn to avoid delays.

  5. Stay inside the vehicle: Don’t get out unless it’s necessary to help a child.

  6. Respect the staff and follow their instruction: Listen to their directions and don’t be rude. They’re just doing their job to make the process the most efficient that it can be. Their jobs are not easy.

  7. Be kind: This goes hand in hand with the above point. Be kind to others and those that are working there. Smile, say good morning, and wave to people.

No one enjoys the drop-off process but following these steps can help make it more bearable and efficient. Practicing good etiquette and most of all, patience can create a good experience for everyone involved. Not only that, it can serve as an example to children to practice patience, respect, and responsible driving.