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Posts in Auto Insurance
Classic Car Insurance

The weather is warming up and that means it’s time to take your classic car out of the garage and take those nice drives up and down the beautiful coastline! Classic car insurance works a lot like “regular” car insurance. For those of you who have just purchased your dream classic car and aren’t sure how it works, this post is for you. First off, does your car qualify for classic car insurance? Classic car insurance is for cars 10-40 years old and has historical interests or collectible value. As we said, it works similarly to typical car insurance but there are some key differences.

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Auto Insurance Trend Predictions for 2024

Well, it’s officially 2024! Happy New Year! People are already out there making their predictions on what this year will bring to the insurance industry. As for car insurance, the outlook might be a little grimmer than we expected. Since the end of 2023, auto insurance rates have slowly been on the rise so this could be an indicator of what’s to come this year as they are expected to continue to go up. The reason for this is simple—inflation.

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Snowmobile Insurance

When we think of auto insurance, we typically don’t think outside the box except for daily vehicles. However, you can insure your ATVs, jetskis, snowmobiles, etc. In the winter months a lot of people love to get out into the powdery mountains skiing, snowboarding, and yes, even snowmobiling. A shocking 200 people die each and 14,000 are injured each year in snowmobile accidents. So, just like with auto insurance, injuries can happen. Damage to the snowmobile can happen as well as to your snowmobile or someone else.

That said, If you or someone you know owns a snowmobile for personal or business reasons, it’s just as important to insure this type of vehicle as your car. In some states, it is required to have. It works the same way as regular auto insurance. Premiums will depend on the make and model of the snowmobile, where you live, the coverage you choose, and discounts that you may or may not be eligible for. Insurance of this type is offered as comprehensive or collision. Additional types of coverage include:

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Ways to Prevent Drunk Driving During the Holidays

It’s the most wonderful time of the year! The holiday season can be an enjoyable time catching up with loved ones but it’s also the time of year when it can be the most dangerous on the roads. That said, it’s never a good idea to drive after having too much holiday cheer (wink wink), no matter how many you have had. Here are some tips to stay safe on the roads during this season.

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Safety Tips at the School Drop Off

It’s officially that time of year again when the kids return to school. We thought we’d write a little bit about drop-off etiquette that will help you plus everyone around you stay safer. Here are some tips to help make the process of the drop-off more streamlined and keep you away from fender benders in the car.

  1. Arrive a little early: Coming just a few minutes earlier will help avoid any rushing in the line that could potentially cause frustration and even an accident.

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