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Christmas Party Safety for Homeowners

Tis’ the season for holiday parties! We love this time of year and the joy surrounding the holiday with time spent with friends and family. Everyone’s calendars are booked with parties and get-togethers for December. If you’re a host for a gathering this season here are some safety tips you can follow to ensure you don’t have to file a homeowner’s insurance claim.

  1. Make activities the center of the party. This can be in the way of games, movies, etc. This keeps the focus off of drinking solely.

  2. Take away the keys for those who drink. If they have been drinking, help them be safe and get an Uber home. They can come back tomorrow and get their vehicle safely.

  3. Make sure there is plenty of food. Food can keep guests from getting sloppy drunk. Especially foods high in fat but make sure to keep the salt at a minimum because this tends to make people thirstier.

  4. Shovel the walkway. Avoid slips and falls where people will be walking and gathering. Make sure those areas are clear and free of snow and ice.

  5. Monitor overconsumption. If you see someone starting to get a little out of hand with the booze, offer them a non-alcoholic beverage.

Not only is hosting a party a lot of prep work, it comes with significant responsibility as well. There is an increase in the number of homeowner’s claims during the festive season. Do your part to keep your premiums lower by having to file low to zero claims. Happy Holidays!