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Giving the Gift of Pet Insurance This Holiday

Caring for a pet is an immense responsibility. However, some feel that despite this fact, getting one for a family pet during the holiday season can be a good idea. We agree. If you’re children and family are ready for the responsibility of an animal, then yes, do it! It can teach kids a lot of life lessons about empathy, trust, loyalty, patience, compassion, and of course, the responsibility of caring for something other than themselves. That said, an animal is a 10-20-year commitment. If your children are old enough to handle this and you are financially sound enough to care for them, then getting a pet is a great idea for the holidays. So, if you’re planning on getting another member of the family it’s important to make a list of things that you will also need when getting your furry friends.

  1. Food and water bowl

  2. Collar

  3. Crate and/or travel carrier

  4. Food

  5. Litter box and/or training pads for dogs

  6. Leash for a dog. Although, we have seen cats on walks before as well

  7. Treats

  8. Toys

  9. Pet insurance

That said, it’s crucial to make sure you understand that obtaining pet insurance with your pet is important while they’re still young and healthy. It would be best if you also kept in mind the breed of dog or cat that you get. Some have more health issues than others. If you already have a pet but would like to insure it, that’s also a great gift idea for the holiday season. Here are some top reasons why.

  1. It will save you money in the long run

  2. It will fit your and your pet’s needs

  3. It will give you peace of mind

Pet insurance is the gift that will keep on giving well after the holiday is over. Don’t overlook pet insurance when thinking about the essentials for new pets. To get a quote contact us today.