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Flood Insurance

First off, why would someone need private flood insurance? Well, the short answer is that it isn’t typically covered in homeowner’s insurance policies. Flood insurance can mean the difference between financial devastation and damage recovery. Hurricane season is real and so is climate change. The strength and length of storms is increasing by the year, so flood insurance has never been more pertinent. Here are some things for your insurance agent and/or realtor if you have made the choice to get coverage.

  1. What is the history of flooding on the property?

  2. Ask what documents you will need and ask about the National Flood Insurance Program

  3. Find out if the property is low, medium or high risk and know what that means.

  4. Obtain floor plans if you don’t already have them. If the base floor is above BFE. Every foot above BFE can save you up to 50% on your policy

If you’re unsure whether you should have a flood insurance policy on your property contact us today and we can help.