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Golf Cart Insurance

Summertime is officially here today with the heat getting up to the nineties! We know a lot of you have golf carts “down the shore” to get around with ease from your summer home to the beaches. We’re right there with you. It’s especially important to understand why you need golf cart insurance if you’re driving on the roads and what it covers. Here are some things that golf cart insurance covers.

  1. Property damage liability: covers damages to someone else’s property

  2. Collision: covers damages to your golf cart in the event of an accident

  3. Bodily injury liability: covers someone else’s injury costs, such as medical bills

  4. Comprehensive: covers loss and/or damages from things out of your control, such as theft or natural disasters

Having cart insurance is important to protect you and your loved ones. Some people mistakingly think it’s already covered by other policies and it is not, so it’s important to check. Some states also require golf cart insurance by law and New Jersey is one of them. Contact us today if you need to cover your cart or have any questions about existing coverage!