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Giving the Gift of Pet Insurance This Holiday

Caring for a pet is an immense responsibility. However, some feel that despite this fact, getting one for a family pet during the holiday season can be a good idea. We agree. If you’re children and family are ready for the responsibility of an animal, then yes, do it! It can teach kids a lot of life lessons about empathy, trust, loyalty, patience, compassion, and of course, the responsibility of caring for something other than themselves. That said, an animal is a 10-20-year commitment. If your children are old enough to handle this and you are financially sound enough to care for them, then getting a pet is a great idea for the holidays. So, if you’re planning on getting another member of the family it’s important to make a list of things that you will also need when getting your furry friends.

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The Importance of Insuring Expensive Jewelry

As the holiday season comes around quickly, this is a time for those BIG surprises that make everyone smile. This is a time for many expensive jewelry purchases for loved ones. With that, it’s important to understand why and how to insure these pieces. Aside from some having sentimental value, they are also worth a lot of money. It would be just as upsetting to lose for the financial loss as the sentimental one. Coverage isn’t as pricy as you think either. It’s typically about 1-2% of the value of the item per year. There are a couple of ways to go about obtaining coverage for your most precious jewels so here is a brief breakdown of the types of jewelry coverage out there.

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Protecting Your Packages from Theft

During the COVID pandemic, an unfortunate new trend emerged. People began to start stealing packages from others’ doorsteps. This new form of theft has been dubbed “Porch Pirating.” While the name is cute, there is nothing cute about having things that you worked hard for to buy taken from you. With the holiday season coming up, there will be a rise in stolen packages. Here are some tips to keep your packages safe.

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Ways to Prevent Drunk Driving During the Holidays

It’s the most wonderful time of the year! The holiday season can be an enjoyable time catching up with loved ones but it’s also the time of year when it can be the most dangerous on the roads. That said, it’s never a good idea to drive after having too much holiday cheer (wink wink), no matter how many you have had. Here are some tips to stay safe on the roads during this season.

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How & Why Insurance Can Vary By State

We all know that when we move we have to let our insurance companies know and see how that will affect our rates. But, have you ever stopped to wonder why this is? Well, we’re going to break it down for you a little here. Let’s first look at homeowner’s insurance policies.

Homeowners: This can vary state by state due to how prone your area is to natural disasters and environmental risks. For example, if you live in Kansas versus New Jersey you will have to get a policy that specifically covers this type of high-risk disaster. Here are some things that will affect how much your homeowner’s coverage costs.

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Cooking Fire Safety Tips

The holidays are here and there’s no better place to spend it with family than in the kitchen. We know so many families that get their holiday quality time cooking and baking together in the kitchen, including us! Making memories that last forever with family and friends is one of the best parts of the holiday season. Let’s do our best to keep those memories good ones and avoid any cooking fires. Unfortunately, autumn is when cooking fire claims tend to rise and they are already, “the number one cause of home fires and fire-related injuries in the home,” according to the U.S. Fire Administration. Here are some safety guidelines to follow when cooking to prevent fires.

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All Treats & NO Tricks This Halloween!

Trick or treat. Smell my… We all know the saying. Halloween can be an enjoyable time for kids and adults alike. It’s a time when we all get to dress up, eat some candy, play some games, etc. but it can also be a time when tricks become an issue for homeowners. Halloween is a time of home vandalism pranks. While most are harmless, some can be damaging to your home. It’s important to have good homeowner’s policies that will cover the costs to repair them. Some common vandalism pranks include:

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Ways That Homeownership Increases Wealth

The American dream is different for everyone but no matter what it has always involved becoming a homeowner. Homeownership can change your life in more ways than most people realize. Not only will it provide comfort for you and your family in a space that you can make your own, but it can increase your wealth and the wealth of future generations in your family. It may seem like an unattainable dream but we promise you it is not. That’s an article for another day though. For now, here are a couple of ways that buying a home can increase your wealth.

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Safety Tips at the School Drop Off

It’s officially that time of year again when the kids return to school. We thought we’d write a little bit about drop-off etiquette that will help you plus everyone around you stay safer. Here are some tips to help make the process of the drop-off more streamlined and keep you away from fender benders in the car.

  1. Arrive a little early: Coming just a few minutes earlier will help avoid any rushing in the line that could potentially cause frustration and even an accident.

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Motorcycle Insurance FAQ

You wouldn’t hastily buy a motorcycle, so you must take the same care when purchasing motorcycle insurance for your bike. You want coverage that best fits your needs. Similar to auto insurance, most states require liability insurance on your bike. But, if you want more here is some information to help get you started on your coverage journey.

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The Insurance Claims Process

Now that you understand how insurance can help protect your assets and how to file a claim, what are the steps involved if something does go wrong? How do these insurance claims work? Each type of insurance will have a slightly different process but there are several similarities across the board. In a nutshell, you’re filing the claim to get compensation to cover the losses involved. It’s important to note here that if you haven’t met your deductible throughout the year, you will be required to pay that first. It’s crucial to know what your deductible is as you want to make sure that damages are over that number.

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How Insurance Helps Protect Your Assets

Our assets are exposed to risks every day. Our homes, our cars, jewelery, and even our lives. Insurance helps protect your personal assets from costly damages in the event of unforseen circumstances. Having a risk management plan for your personal assets as well as business, if you own one is crucial for your peace of mind and financial stability. Without one you could very well end up in a sticky financial situation that may even put you into further debt. Here’s how it works. Policyholders transfer the risk of financial losses to an insurance company in exchange for the payment of a premium. Some example of asset protection through insurance are:

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Pet Insurance 101

It’s important to consider pet insurance when your pet is still young and healthy. Large vet bills can pile up and not just when your animals get old and emergencies can happen at any turn even with young pets. Do you have enough savings to cover a potentially expensive vet bill? It can give you peace of mind but don’t wait until they’re old and having health issues. It’s also not a good idea if you have the money to cover their vet bills and want to take the financial risk. So, after you consider these factors how do you know which pet insurance plan is the best for you and your animal? Here is a list of the different coverage options.

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Why Having Good Credit Matters for Insurance

We all know that your age, driving experience, and claim history all affect your car insurance. But what about your credit and does it just affect your auto policy? Well, in short, the answer is no. It can affect your homeowner’s insurance and life insurance rates as well. Statistics show that someone with higher credit scores is more likely to pay their premiums on time and less likely to file claims. Good credit is something that insurance companies are looking for when assessing someone’s policy costs. However, these insurance credit scores work somewhat differently than FICO credit scores.

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